Differences Switch and Hub

Taken as a function between hubs and switches have the same common data packet delivered from source to destination in a computer network. However, judging certainly conceptually distinct. each has different capabilities both in terms of speed as well as the system works.

At the hub there is no process nothing in handling network traffic. Hub just repeats the incoming signal to all ports on the hub. This will be very different from the switches in the switch each port also serves as a bridge. If a port is connected to a device then the principal of each device will be independent of other devices.

Hub has a weakness that will continue to repeat the signal in the form of data packets to all the (existing lines) despite the fact that the data packet has been received by the destination computer, as in Figure 3 (Mansfield, 2003). This will cause the collision frequency is more common.

Data transfer switch faster than hub for direct switching of data packets sent to the destination computer 
, not sent to all existing ports (broadcast) so that existing bandwidth can be used to switch fully.

Another difference is that the 10/100 Ethernet hub works only half-duplex, this means a device can only send or receive data at a certain time. Switches capable of working in full-duplex, which means capable of receiving and sending data at the same time.

The fundamental difference between the switch router is a router versus using 'store and forward'. While the switch works by switching on the fly. Router to take the entire package before the package is forwarded to the destination. Store and forward method of bringing the entire frame of data into the equipment, which then in-buffer for in a unit time. Will be clearer if we look at the TCP / IP layers, the frame header will pass through the data link layer and then taken to the layer above the network layer to know his type of frame. Only then forwarded to the destination network address via the data link layer kemabli. This process applies to all frames that pass the router. 
 unlike a switch that only takes the first 20 bytes of a frame. Since the switch does not take the whole frame, but only the destination address (destination address) before forwarding the frame to the destination address, the network latency or pause (delay) that occurs will be smaller than the router.

The most fundamental difference between the Router, Switch and Hub are as follows:

➢ Router = working on OSI Layer 3 (network)
➢ Switch = working on OSI layer 2 (datalink)
➢ Hub = working on OSI Layer 1 (physical)

Make Internet connection faster

Fast browsing Internet with high speed must be very exciting, in many ways done to speed up Internet connection using either the Internet connection software to be faster and use a particular setting that is claimed to speed up Internet connection.

Here are some tips that can be used to speed up Internet connection:

I. The bandwidth setting compose windows
Basically the windows OS has limited bandwidth for Internet connection as much as 20% of the total bandwidth that should be maximum, if you want to increase Internet bandwidth connections so that faster and faster can be a way to reduce or clear the bandwidth limitations in Windows so that we can be a maximum of using existing bandwidth.

Follow the instructions as below:

1. Click Start
2. Click Run
3. Type gpedit.msc
4. Then click Ok
5. Once entered click Administrative Templates
6. Then click Network
7. Once opened click QoS Packet scheduler
8. Then click on Limit Reservable Bandwidth
9. And after the open to Enable Setting
10. Then change bandwidth limit to 0
11. Click Apply, ok
12. Then exit and restart the computer

II. Use OpenDNS for control of the internet connection faster and more secure.

1. Click Start
2. Click Control Panel
3. Select Network & Internet Connection
4. Click Network Connection
5. Right-click Local Area Connection select Properties
6. Select Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) and Click Properties
7. Click the Use Following DNS Server
8. Fill with Preferred DNS Server numbers:
9. Fill in the Alternate DNS server with numbers:
10. Then click OK

III. If you use Firefox browser use Fasterfox add on, can be downloaded here.

Fasterfox is an add on that works to speed up connections by optimizing the network and browser cache. The function of the cache is to store data from websites that we visit, so when we opened the back of the website was loading process will be faster because the data has been stored in the cache.

Several optimizations can be done by Fasterfox is: HTTP pipelining, memory caching, disk caching, DNS caching, caching Fastback.

IV. For Firefox users, please install Adblock

Its function is to filter the ads that do not need when we browsing, so that the loading process will be faster and maximum.

How to Know IP Address Opponent in Yahoo Messenger Chat

Stride as follows:

1. Log in to YM
2. Invite a chat anyone who wants to know ip addressnya
3. Open cmd type netstat you ... then enter
4. There will be a visible process
5. Send any file to the other chat
6. When the process occurs, the cmd window, type netstat again and then enter
7. It will show an example like this IP: SYN_SENT
8. Well .. he ip address your opponent's chat .. ipnya is 10,245,101,204
9. If not clear, you can use the command netstat-n, it will come out ip addresses and ports in numeric

YM uses port 5101 to send the file. File transfer process must occur in P2P, and with netstat features, will be visible IP address of your opponent's chat send files ..

Good luck ...:)

Speeding Mozilla Firefox Tips

Firefox .. one of the open source browser the coolest moment in my opinion. even beyond Internet Explorer for me. Well .. I'll give a little trick about how to speed up your Firefox in browsing the Internet with seidikit tweak ..

Warning: I am not suggesting to make tweaking your firefox. Tweaking is itself issued by the developer firefox so not just any tweaking, but the risk incurred after tweaking his own because there is no option to restore your firefox the default setting.

1. To speed up your browsing:

1. Ctrl + Enter, to open this domain is used. Com. way is to type the domain name and then click ctrl + enter. for example, you want to open "www.yahoo.com" then type in "yahoo" and then click ctrl + enter
2. Shift + Enter, to open this domain is used. Net. way is to type the domain name and then click ctrl + enter. for example, you want to open "www.telkom.net" so type in "telecom" and then click shif + enter
3. Ctrl + Shift + Enter, to open this domain is used. Org. way is to type the domain name and then click ctrl + enter. for example, you want to open "www.dikti.org" so type in "DIKTI" then click Ctrl + Shift + Enter

2. Tweeking Firefox:

1. Type "about: config" in firefox you then enter
2. It will come out of a setting for tweaking firefox
3. To change this, click 2 times and enter the data changes
4. If the data below are not in firefox the default settings, right click select New. For a number of data, select Integer, for true / false select Boolean.

- For DSL users:

1. Set "network.http.pipelining: true"
2. Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining: true"
3. Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests: 64"
4. Set "nglayout.initialpaint.delay: 0"

- For ADSL users:

1. Set "network.http.max-connections: 64"
2. Set "network.http.max-connections-per-server: 21"
3. Set "network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server: 8"
4. Set "network.http.pipelining: true"
5. Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests: 100"
6. Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining: true"
7. Set "nglayout.initialpaint.delay: 0"

- For users of Dial-Up

1. Set "browser.cache.disk_cache_ssl: true"
2. Set "browser.xul.error_pages.enabled: true"
3. Set "network.http.max-connections: 32"
4. Set "network.http.max-connections-per-server: 8"
5. Set "network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy: 8"
6. Set "network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server: 4"
7. Set "network.http.pipelining: true"
8. Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests: 8"
9. Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining: true"
10. Set "plugin.expose_full_path: true"
11. Set "signed.applets.codebase_principal_support: true"
12. Set "content.interrupt.parsing: true"
13. Set "content.max.tokenizing.time: 3000000"
14. Set "content.maxtextrun: 8191"
15. Set "content.notify.backoffcount: 5"
16. Set "content.notify.interval: 750,000"
17. Set "content.notify.ontimer: true"
18. Set "content.switch.threshold: 750,000"

Preventing the virus from Flashdisk

Preventing the virus from Flashdisk

Bersistem computer's ability to run Windows. (most likely all have to understand)
Beginning step (once)
This initial step needs to be done only once, after that only do the main steps
and the final step when opening another flash.

- Open My Computer via the Start Menu.
Folder Options..." onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#ebeff9'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">- Click the Tools menu> Folder Options ...
- On the View tab, put a [•] on the options selected Show hidden files and folders
- Then put a [?] To check the option Hide extensions for known file types
- And then also remove the [?] To check the option Hide protected operating system files
- Then click OK.

Repeat the above steps once again, what if, after the look back at the Hide
protected operating system files or the Hide extensions for known file types is still there
mark [?] or no sign of [•] on the options selected Show hidden files and folders,
it's likely your computer is infected with the virus and this trick is not 100%
useful again.

Main Step
Follow these steps and DO NOT ever mengaibaikan one langkahpun
if you do not know for sure.

- After entering the flash, DO NOT

- After that, click the [Cancel] or [X]
- Open the Run ... from the Start Menu, or press the [Windows] and R at the same
on the keyboard.
- Click [Browse ...]
- In the Look In, change into flashdisknya location. (eg F: \)
- On the View menu, select Detalis.
- Then the Files of type, select All files, then immediately perform all of the files
which is in flash.
- Find a file named Autorun.inf, click just once, then press the [Delete]
on the keyboard.
- Click [Yes] to confirm the removal of the question.
- Repeat above two steps for the file - the following files (see the Type column):
o Data Base File (*. db), this file contains the information as to menthumbnails
a folder. But now often used as a trick to spread the virus.
o Configuration Settings (*. it), this file is only for the menkonfigurasi
individuals have a folder (most of the system folders). Sometimes used as a virus
as an alternative Autorun.inf
- If there are several files that you really believe that the file is a file
you, then you can let the file in flash.
- When finished deleting the files that have been specified, click the button [X] on
Browse dialog box
- Click the back button [X] in the Run dialog box.
- Disconnect the flash disk from the computer.
- Then put back into the computer.

Final Step

This last step is to move the business to clean the virus from pendrive
may already have a lot of virus files.
- After installing the flash to the computer select Open folder to view files, at the time
dialog box appears just after the flash in pairs. Then click [OK].
- In Windows Explorer is open now, click [Search] on the toolbar
- On the left there is a choice What do you want to search for?, Piih All files and folders.
- After a new display appears, in the text box All or part of the file name, fill in
[*. exe, *. scr] (without brackets)
- In the Look In, make sure that the location is on the flash.
- Click More advanced options to display the menu below.
- Put a [?] On the following options:
* Search system folders
* Search hidden files and folders
* Search subfolders
- Then click [Search], wait a while until the search process is complete.
- Remove all image files ONLY DOCUMENT FOLDER or even if you believe that the
you already have a folder / file the document. Remember! Which will be removed this is
file viruses, and not a folder / file the documents you have. Because we were doing
search for Application files (*. exe) and files Screen-Saver (*. scr) and not
search file folder / file documents.
- When finished remove, so now you can open document files that will
you open, edit, update, or whatever.

Computer assembling

The steps to assembling the Computer :

1. Make sure all equipment and materials that will be assembled already prepared.
2. Next before starting to assemble, we will do checking on the mainboard. Here's how: Place the processor on the processor socket on the mainboard (note the sign), connect the Mainboard with Power Supplay, speaker pairs as well. After that try to start up. When the speakers out beep sound repetitive, meaning mainboard is still healthy.
3. Then we will match the holes / bolts on the mainboard with the bolts on cashing. Consider any holes we can use later for the cashing membaut mainboard. After that pairs mainboard and make sure all the bolts are tightened.
4. Further pairs of RAM (also pairs VGA Card to VGA mainboard that is not ON BOARD), then connect with the monitor. Try to turn, consider whether the specifications of RAM and Processor Clock also is in conformity with the specifications listed on its box?
5. If all is right, then the other pairs of devices such as Notebook, Floppy Disk, CD ROM, LAN Card and others.
6. Once installed all try to turn it on again, if there is no problem, can proceed with the installation process.

• If you install the computer yourself look really limits his WARRANTIES, before the warranty limit runs out, do not ever throw Box peripheralnya places like Ram Box, Box MainBoad, VGA and so on.

Examples of problems that often occur in the Computer.

1. At Booting, the computer displays the text "CMOS check sum error".
This indicates that the stone was the BIOS battery is low. Solved by replacing the BIOS battery in accordance with its original size.
2. Computer does not display anything when turned on, no sound came out of the speakers.
Try checking the cable that connects between a VGA monitor. If you did not find any damage, Cardnya VGA kemunkinannya is damaged.
3. Computer beep sound repeatedly when turned on.
Check your RAM, maybe there is dust / dirt, try off and cleaned, then in pairs again. If still the same, his change of RAM.
4. When turned on, the indicator is constantly on Notebook.
Hardisk likely have been hit BAD Sector Zero Sector of her. If not that bad, can still be in the Low Level Format, then the partition and the format, and then try to check discandisk with surface
5. Computer displays a message FAILUR BOOT DISK SYSTEM OR NON ON DISK
This indicates the disk there is no system for the load to RAM, or set Hardisk not be active at the time of partition.
6. When do the formatting on the disk, the message "Invalid Media or Track 0 Bad"
This means that it is damaged disks in his sector 0. Take a look at the inner disk, do have a scratch there. When it means the disk is damaged.
7. Computers can load up to the Windows environment, but it looks cracked when set to high or true color
This indicates VGA Card is not able to display colors and maximum resolution.
8. When trying to read the contents of a floppy disk, the computer displays a message Failur General Reading Drive A, this can be caused by the Head of Floppy Disk Drive, dirty, or worn. Try cleaning it with using the Floppy Disk Cleaner, if the result is the same, meaning his head was already worn out and must be replaced.

9. First time start-up display on the screen blur.
This indicates that the regulator FlyBack Focus on the monitor is not good, usually the solution to the transplant.
10. Display on the monitor over time become less clear (blurred).
Same as No. 9.
11. Monitor does not display a particular color.
This menadakan there is a problem in the circuit in the monitor RGB.
12. Sometimes die alone monitor, or hard when turned on.
Usually there is a loose solderan on the Power Supply it Horizontal or on his part.

How to Conduct Testing Computer Peripherals

1. Mainboard
Place the processor in its socket, notice the sign / pin number 1. Stelah it supplay connect with the power, do not forget to plug speaker. Let me turn, if the speaker beep sound out repeatedly, that is still good mainboard.
2. Processor
Place the processor on the processor socket on the mainboard, RAM and VGA card if it is not ON BOARD. After that connect to the monitor and try to turn, look at the display on the screen. Consider whether the processor's clock to match those listed in his box.
3. RAM
Almost the same as a test on the processor are observed only when the computer is checked on the RAM. Is RAM capacity is in conformity with Box listed on her? If the computer does not make RAM test (direct computer display RAM capacity is), this is a sign that soon it will die of RAM. If still guarantee his immediate exchange of RAM.
4. VGA Card
To test the VGA card, prior to an operating system installed and also for the VGA driver installed. Perform tests by maximizing the setting for Display Adapter (note the monitor's ability to perform this test), if still set to the maximum setting, it means that VGA is still good.
5. LAN Card
First we must check whether the operating system already knows and install drivers for the LAN Card or not. If not, we must first install the driver. Once completed then we set IP for the LAN Card. Here's how: Right click on Network Neighborhood icon, select Properties. Fill Addressnya IP, eg and Masknya Sub Net, then open the MS DOS Prompt and try pinging the IP address that we type this (ping If successful, the LAN card can be used. But when the screen displays the words "Request Time Out", the LAN Card is unusable.

6. Sound Card
First we must install the drivers for the Sound when Cardnya Operating System Sound Card not know us. After the driver installed, Sound Card should be able to function properly.
7. Hardisk
The way the test is a way to partition the hard drive with fdisk. Note the correct process, if there is a problem at the time of partition, the disk probably already started Bad Sector. Next is the hard disk formatting process. When finished, it can be checked by using Scandisk or Norton Disk Doctor to check the hard disk each sectornya. Hard drive are destroyed, usually will cause an error on a FAT or Directory Structur it.
8. FDD (Floppy Disk Drive)
Before performing tests on FDD, make sure that the configuration in the BIOS for the FDD is correct. How to do testnya: go to the DOS Prompt, from there enter the command to format the disk with the option / s (to add the system on a formatted floppy disk). FDD is still good, at the time to do the formatting and transfer system, no noise is too loud. When FDD noise at the time the format process, this indicates that the FDD is his head already worn.
To test the CD ROM is usually done from the Windows environment, by trying a CD ROM to read a disc. CD ROM which is still good, does not require a long time to initialize the disc the first time on the disc is put in the CD ROM disc unless it is defective or dirty. Try also to test the data transfer speed of a CD ROM with the way mengkopikan existing data on the CD ROM into the Notebook. If there are problems, such as transfer of data begins to slow when compared with the initial copy of data, there are two possibilities. The first is the already weak optical properties, the second is a dirty optics. Try cleaning with Optic Cleaner, if the result is the same, meaning it has a weak optical properties.
10. Monitor
To perform tests on the monitor, you must have a CPU with a standard specification and the VGA card capable of displaying high-resolution (minimum 800 x 600  Analog to monitor and 1280 x 1024 Digital  to monitor). A test that is by setting a limit on the resolution on the monitor's ability. Turn over ( 30 minutes to monitor  2nd and 2 hours for a new monitor). When the display on the monitor does not change, then the monitor is still suitable to be used.
11. Power Supplay
To perform tests on supplay power, can be done by using the Multi-Tester. Move your pointer switches located on the multi-tester to number 50 on the DC Volt. Plug the red to the positive source and the black to ground.
Reference Voltage:
To Power Supplay AT:
Voltage Cable Color
Ground black
Red 5 V
Yellow 12 V

To Supplay ATX Power:
Voltage Cable Color
Ground black
Red 5 V
Yellow 12 V
Blue - 12 V
Gray - 5 V
Orange was OK (power good)

If the measurement is the voltage difference more than 0.5 volts (either more or less), then the power is necessary supplay fixed or replaced.

the Computer

Know Your Computer

Computer derived from the word to compute the mean count. Then Computer freely translated is a tool that can be counted. About calculators actually been around since ancient times. The ancient primitive people using fingers and toes to count the number of their cattle. Then, when the number of cattle increased, they used pebbles to count. Calculation tool is known for a long time called Abacus. In mainland China this tool has been used since 5000 BC. Along with the development of human reason, then created the first mechanical calculating machines in 1642 by a French physicist named Blaise Pascal. This machine can only do addition and subtraction calculations alone. Then in 1692 the engine was completed by G. Wilhelm Von Liebnitz, a German who add multiplication and division functions.

Along with these developments, several parties and then give another definition of the computer. Robert H. Computer definite Bissmer such as

# An electronic equipment capable of doing some tasks, namely to accept input, process input, and providing processing and storing the results (output)

According to Donald H. Sanders, the computer is

# Electronic calculator that quickly, can accept input and process them in accordance with existing programs (stored program) and generate output information.

Meanwhile, according to ANSI or American National Standrad Institute, a computer is

# A data processor that can perform calculations or logic operations quickly on a large scale.

The first computers used to calculate the U.S. Population Census in 1880 was made by Dr. computer. Herman Hollerith. This invention uses a computer system perforated cards (Punch Card) so that the calculation of the census could be completed within 3 years (which was completed earlier than in 10 years when manually). For a more comprehensive explanation, read the article that became part of the book or books that discuss the history of computers.

Many experts put forward a definition of a computer. But at least, the elements of a computer is the notion that there is a computer deal is an electronic device that can work automatically, using application programs to process data, whether the data in the form of numbers, letters or drawings, which functioned to help ease human work.

But how does a computer chip inside of electronic circuits that can process data in the form of numbers, letters or pictures? The answer is an electric current. This electric current flowing through the chip that forms a code that can represent anything - numbers, letters or pictures - which was created by the transistors contained in the chip. These transistors work to decide ( "off") or stream ( "on") millions of electrical pulses flowing. This binary code can be easily expressed by: digit 1 for on and 0 for off.

So the workings of a computer can simply be described as follows:

PROCESS ----> OUTPUT" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#ebeff9'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">----> ----> INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT

How a computer

where the input is a set of actions in entering the data (to use the media keyboard, mouse, or call the data contained or stored in a storage media like diskettes and / or hard disk) which is then processed in a CPU (Central Processing Unit), and the results (output ) is displayed in the monitor screen or printed by a printer and a PC speaker for sound.

Modern computers typically use electricity to operate. The first American electric computer, ENIAC, built in 1946 and 5000 is only able to do operations / sec. But not being able to store data, then this machine is not considered a computer machine. Mark I machine of Manchester University is considered as the first electric machine to be able to save a set of instructions for doing the count, although the engine speed is only 800 count / sec and used only for 52 minutes on June 21, 1949. Ferranti Mark-I, the development of the Mark-I sold commercially in Europe in 1950. Physical form of the computer at that time still a big (even bigger than a closet).

Along with the development of electronic technology, now form the computer can be reduced even further, but with better capabilities than the previous generation of computers. Starting with the use and development of chips made by Intel company, starting from the chip 4-bit processor Intel-4004 with kecepataan 60,000 operations / second. In 1900 there were transistor chip. But the birth of a new microcomputer processor is marked by the transition to a 4-bit 8-bit in 1972 when trading in Intel processor Intel-8008. Orders also came to this chip. Micro-computer capability at that time was minimal and is still regarded as a kit (electronic circuits) cause its use is limited to electronic fans only. Computer time was still dominated by mainframe computers.

In 1974 when Intel launched the Intel-8080 processor, the computer began to undergo change, marked by the addresses (address) memory up to 64 kilobytes, 10 X speed of the processor before and the number of chips that support only 6 fruit only, then the microcomputer good start ogled from businesses and the community, no longer limited to just electronic fans. His ability to reach 1 MIPS (million instructions per second) or 1 million operations / sec causes microcomputer capability is equivalent to the IBM 704 mainframe computer.

Z80 processor is an Intel 8080 defeat by the development of the company Zilog, with Z-80 processor makes the microcomputer is no longer viewed as a "kit" again. Z-80 processor has a 2X speed of the Intel-8080 with a series of instructions as much as 176 fruits. With this ability, Z-80 is equivalent to the IBM mainframe computer capability-7094. The computer manufacturers generally rival IBM, which is Radio Shack, Apple, Sinclair, using a computer processor made for them. The use of DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) mempermurah also compared the use of computer prices SRAM (Static Random Access Memory). Allocation of memory usage also increased from 64 Kb to 128 Kb. But the allocation of a larger memory is not possible given the limitations of Z-80 processor itself. Only when Intel Intel processor-issued 8086 and 8088, these restrictions can be hit and even attract big players who previously stuck to the mainframe computer making it, "The Big Blue" IBM (International Bussines Machine).

IBM PC computer images when first launched in 1981IBM PC (Personal Computer) which was launched in 1981 received tremendous applause. 800,000 thousand PCs were sold that year and 2,000,000 the PC in the next year. IBM PC-XT (Extended Technology) more attractive because of its ability the same as the PDP DEC mainframe computers in 1170 (in 1975), plus the use of the first hard drive to the microcomputer of 10 MB. IBM later released a blueprint for the design to the public, which encourages making his cloning machine (artificial), commonly referred to as IBM-compatible PC. Increased sales and clone PCs, also encouraged by the growing number of computer programming for the PC, including Lotus Inc. with Lotus 123 and WordStar International Inc.. with his WordStar product.

PC usage is no longer just for personal use, but also by businesses to the concept of multi-tasking (running several software at one time as well) becomes the basis of further development, marked by the launch of the IBM PC-AT (Advanced Technology) that uses processor Intel, which has 80,286 speed operation 1.5 million / sec. This same ability mainframe computers from DEC VAX 11/780 (in 1979) that uses the UNIX operating system.

Intel 386DX When Intel introduced the Intel-80386th which has a velocity of 2 million operations / second supported by a number of more transistors (130,000 pieces in 1 chip), plus the introduction of the Windows operating system from Microsoft makes the noisy computer industry. Since then, Intel's rule-making arena of the computer processor. Rivals IBM, Compaq made of the same configuration with the IBM PC-386 (1987) but with a cheaper price and its ability is comparable to mainframe computers, VAX 8600 (made in 1984). In this year also introduced a handheld computer which then form was for luggage (two years later, spearheaded by Toshiba Inc.., Diperingkas form can be had for the book, which earned the nickname notebook).

Intel Pentium 133 processor Intel Research for 4 years which cost 300 million dollars finally succeeded when Intel launched the Intel-80486th, processor with 1 million transistors inside a super-mini. Further historical notes, when Intel took Intel P54C processor, or Pentium (and Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III and Pentium-4), supported by more and more software and its rival Intel, like AMD (Advanced Micro Devices), Cyrix, IIT , NextGen and others who also joined the computer processor to enliven their designs (before some company makes an Intel clone) makes the computer capability and its role in human life inevitably increasing. Even Alvin Tofler in one of the best-selling book was predicted, that one day, humans no longer need to work in the office but was home alone with the help of computers and networking (LAN or WAN), so that the harmonization of the modern family can be expressed again as on the traditional family is the family who gathered at the house.

From the explanation above it can be concluded that the physical form of the computer used large, expensive, called the mainframe. Mainframe computer system is a series of cabinets that fill a room lined. Then, along with advances in technology, form a smaller computer, called a mini-computer and smaller akhinya, called micro-computer or PC. The third type of computer is up to now still there, it's just been thousands of processing capabilities to millions of times faster. Example: Mainframe Cray-II (1998) of the Cray Computer Inc.. now known as the fastest supercomputer in the world, defeated the mainframe ENIAC (1946).

Modern Computer Components

A set of modern computer is physically consists of three parts namely:
Is a tool used to see the results of the command given to the computer. Its form resembles a television because it uses a cathode tube or tube CRT (cathode Ray Tube). Even now being developed a new type monitor with LCD displays (Liquid Crystal Device) to form a thin screen. The use of LCD kelahan also seen as reducing the reflected light from the eyes of the ordinary issued by using a CRT monitor. Monitor CRT Picture tube tube CRT monitor with the ability to display color by, divided into two types namely:

1. Monochrome monitor (displaying green and white / black)
2. Color Monitor (displays many color combinations of blue, green and red, or Red Green and Blue (which is abbreviated as RGB.) Color monitor is very good if you like the color display.

Figure monitor LCD Monitor is also distinguished by the density level of resolution. The higher the level of the resolution, the display on the monitor screen will also be the better / clear. Type and type of monitor you can usually see on the monitor or the packaging of the supplied manual when we buy a computer, or from software that can detect the system configuration utility computer like Norton or PC Tools. Using the LCD monitor

Based on the density level of resolution, divided into three types, namely:

1. Monitor CGA (Color Graphics Adapter)
Only 4 colors radiate with resolution 320 x 200 pixels
2. Monitor EGA (Enhanced Graphic Adapter)
Able to emit 16 colors with a resolution of 640 x 320 pixels
3. Flat VGA (Video Graphic Adapter)

Able to emit up to millions of colors at once with the resolution 640 X 480 pixels.
In its development, more development VGA monitors to SVGA (640 X 800), XGA (1024 X 800), SXGA (1024 X 1200), UXGA (1200 X 1600). The higher level pixelnya resolution, the detail looks better (especially the display of images or graphic detail).
CPU (Central Processing Unit)
AMD Athlon CPU is the brain of the computer. This is all the input Dibagian processed. CPU is packaged in a box (chassis) as desktop-tower casing or casing. Inside is a motherboard (main circuit board) that contains the BIOS (Basic Input Output System), RAM (Random Access Memory) - the higher the capacity and type mikroprosesornya RAM, the better the computer performance used, ROM (Read Only Memory), cache, electric power supply, etc.. Illustration picture of a motherboard is the core of the CPU microprocessor. In the market, microprocessors made by Intel has been ruled for almost 90% of IBM PC type computers and kompatibelnya. Rivals such as AMD, IIT, Cyrix NextGen and generally followed the technology created by Intel. Meanwhile, Motorola processors are generally used by PC manufacturers Apple.

In this section there is also a medium for data storage such as hard disk or floppy disk. For disks, the media needed pengaksesnya called disk drives. 5'25 inch floppy disk sizes that are now no longer produced because praktisUkurannya not divided like the size of disks, which measures 3.5 inches and 5.25 inches. Capacity is also divided into Low Density (Low Density) and High Density (High Density). For disks, this information is usually written on the top left corner of disks, while for disk drives, posted at boot diskette or your computer manual, or use the aid program that displays info such hardware from the Norton System Information Utility or File Manager (Windows 3.1) / Windows Explorer (Windows 95/98/2000/ME). Other storage media such as tape backup, ZIP drive and CD-ROMs are now being socialized use. Tape back-ups themselves have long been used, available in 2 widths data storage, which is 4mm (for audio cassettes) and 8mm (for VHS tapes).

Keyboard (keyboard) consists of a series of buttons. On the old computer model, the number of buttons as much as 84 fruits, while the new model, the number of buttons 84 (PC), 101 or 104 keys (PC-AT) or even more. The keyboard is the media for the computer user to communicate with the computer. On some computers equipped with the latest Voice Recognition, communication can also use a special mic that captures our voice commands. But still to some extent, the existence of the keyboard can not be removed just like that.

In terms of type-connector, the keyboard divided into two types namely type AT and PS / 2. Both were developed by IBM company. Now widely used is the type PS / 2.

The keyboard consists of 4 (four) sections namely:

1. Button Type (Type Writer key)

the key to pengetikkan. Arrangement of the letters is similar to the arrangement of typewriter keys, only the difference, this button has typematic nature, meaning repetition type will do when the button is pressed continuously.

Included in this section are all the letters (Q, W, E, R, T, Y ff.) And the other buttons such as:

* Tab key: function to push the cursor into the appropriate paragraph indents
* Capslock button: function to make all the letters into capital letters (big letters). By the time you press this button, then the Capslock indicator lights located on the upper right corner of the keyboard will light up, indicating the function Capslock is active. To disable, press this button again.
* Shift key: among other functions to make the letters into capital letters (uppercase) throughout the Shift key remains pressed, while for some programs, combined with the function keys, Shift + F1 s / d F12 has a function different.
* Keys Ctrl and Alt keys: for some programs, combined with the function keys, F1 + s / d F12, with the Shift key or by letter, it will have a function different. For example in Word for Windows, Ctrl + B function to print this thick, while the WordStar, for bold print is the command is Ctrl + PB. While the key combination Alt + F in general serves to show the file menu.
* Backspace key: function to push out the cursor to the left boundary, is also used to delete a character starting from the front of the cursor position.
* Enter key function to provide confirmation to the computer to the data / commands that we type, as opposed to function Escape key (Esc), which is to cancel the order.
* Escape or Esc key to cancel the input function via the keyboard (only able to function before pressing the Enter key).

Grouping key on a computer keyboard 2. Function key (Function key)

It's right above the button type (see picture on the left), marked with the F1 to F12 keys. Each button has a different function according to the application program used. F10 key, for example, WordStar program applications, serves to store data, while at the Lotus program applications, functions to display graphs.

3. The cursor movement keys (cursor movement)

Its function is to move the cursor. Located on the right type button. Direction of the arrow button image, the function moves the cursor in the direction of the arrow. Page Up button to move the cursor onto the screen 1 and the Page Down move the cursor down 1 screen. Home button, move the cursor to move to the beginning of the line, while the End key move the cursor to the end of the line. Insert the button serves to activate or deactivate the insertion function word / phrase at the cursor position sementera Delete button serves to erase 1 character at the cursor position.

When combined use with the Ctrl key, in some programs text editor or word processor, Ctrl + PageUp functions move the cursor to the beginning of the line in the first paragraph, while Ctrl + PageDown reverse, ie move the cursor to the end of the line in the last paragraph but is still on the same page . Ctrl + Home will move the cursor to the beginning of the line on the first page, while Ctrl + End will move the cursor to the end of the line on the last page.

4. Score Board key (Numeric Keypad)

Its function is to type numbers when Num Lock key on the switch. If the Num Lock key is not enabled, the function turned into buttons to move the cursor.

Now there are also several types of keyboards with the addition of some special keys for a number of convenience facilities. Internet Keyboard for instance, is a regular keyboard with the addition of a few buttons that have functions as a short-cut in the surf. LAN-Keyboard, is a special keyboard with the addition of a few buttons that have functions as a short-cut in a computer network.

Other parts are needed as a complement in a computer system that is:
Printer (for print media)
Used to print to the paper medium of the display on the screen. In accordance with the capabilities and printing technology, printers divided into types:

a) Printer Dot Mattrix (9-pin or 24 pin)

This type of printer is the cheapest / economical in operation than other types of printers. Headnya consists of a number of hammers (pins), to form the character of the computer inputkan. Based on international standards, are now classified into 2 types of 9 pin and 24 pin. The more the number of pins, print quality is generally better. Printing speed is measured in cps or character per second.

Based on the width, the printer dot mattrix separated into 2 types namely:

1. Narrow (80 columns) or a wide size paper quarto / folio.
2. Wide-narrow (130 columns) or the size of a double-wide paper folio.

This printer has triumphed around in the 1980s and 1990s. Dot matrix printers that sold like peanuts (still in use today) is the Epson LX-800. Printer 9 pin 80 column width is then developed into LX-800 +, and now the LX-300 or LX-300 +. 24-pin version of the LQ-800 and LQ-100. But after terpuruknya exchange rate, now the price is quite expensive. For printer LX-300 +, now worth about Rp. 1,300,000 s / d 1.500.000. Khabar good, the tape is very cheap, only Rp. 45,000 (the official price of the Epson distributor in Indonesia, METRODATA), while the tape is fake (copy) a lot sold at a price of between Rp. 9000 s / d Rp. 30,000 per ribbon (depending on quality).

This printer is not expected to be used more widely because the quality is less satisfactory printing. While the types Deskjet printers are now widely used both in the company or the estate. However, this type of printer will not "die" simply because this type of printer is only one who has the ability as a typewriter, which is able to make copies when using carbon. This is usually widely used in front-office on the banks to print such transactions on savings books, gilyet, giro etc. Example:

* 9-pin: Epson LX-800 (narrow), LX-1050, LX-1070 (wide-narrow)
* 24 pin: Epson LQ-800 (narrow), LQ-1070, LQ-1170, Panasonic KXP-3360 (wide-narrow)

b) Bubble Jet Printer / Ink Jet / Deskjet

Using ink sprayed through the small holes found in headnya. Bubble Jet technology developed by Canon as a company DeskJet technology developed by Hewlett-Packard company. The more headnya holes, usually the better quality print. Able to print monochrome or color. Using Iron Transfer Paper, and even print the results can be moved to suit the way menyetrikakan of prints of the paper to your shirt.

This type of printer seems to have a better prospect than the other two types of printers, the type of dot matrix or laser. This is due to the further development by several companies such as Epson and Canon (both from Japan) and Hewlett-Packard (from USA) managed to create a DeskJet printer that prints with the same quality laser printer, both in terms of printed text and print color photos. No longer possible problem could be matched speed. Until now there deksjet type of printer speeds text 16 pages per minute (or ppm). But because the price of the ink is still expensive, even more so the price is very berfluktuatif the rupiah exchange rate against the U.S. dollas, then to Indonesian citizens bags, price is still rather expensive. There is a printer that only cost Rp. 460,000 (Epson CX-20 for example), but the price of ink (black standard) for nearly half the price of the printer. Prices for other color ink, not to mention depending on the printer model and type of ink used.

Print speed printer of this type is expressed in units of ppm (page per minutes). The greater the number of his ppm, then the printing speed even more quickly. Print quality is measured in dpi (dot per inch). The greater the dpi number of his, so printing quality was better.

* SP 210 Canon, Canon BJP-10, BJP-4000,
* Hewlett-Packard DJ 560, 600 C, Epson Stylus Color

c) Laser Jet Printer

This printer's how it works using a photocopy machine technology developed by Xerox Inc. company. Using a toner (a kind of fine powder) to print. Able to print monochrome or color depending on the toner used. This type of printer is a printer with superior print quality better than most other types of printers, but also the most expensive operating costs.

For a network of laser printers (laser printer or network printer department) can print up to 60 text pages per minute (ppm).

Printing speed is expressed in units of ppm (pages per minutes). The greater the number of his ppm, then the printing speed even faster. Print quality is measured in dpi (dot per inch). The greater the dpi number of his, so printing quality was better.

Hard disk (storage media with large capacity)

At the time IBM introduced the computer for personal use (personal computers, hereinafter abbreviated to PC) in 1981, did not include a hard disk. Storage media is the only one on the disk. Then realized needs large storage and its fixed / internal. It was only in the model PC-XT (Extended Technology), IBM includes a hard disk with a size of 10 MB. Now, along with the development of technology, hard disk capacity is now greater simpannya power, the faster, smaller and more affordable form price.

In general, hard disk type in terms of data transfer is divided into 2 types of IDE and SCSI type. Now type IDE has developed into the E-IDE ATA 66/100/133 MHz. While SCSI has developed into the SCSI-II and SCSI-III (or Ultra Wide SCSI). Since the development of a mess SCSI, hard disk type is now a widely used is the type EIDE ATA-100/133 MHz with data transfers power near or exceed SCSI type hard disk itself.
Modem (Media to connect computers to other computers)

Some forms of the modem is realized that the relationship between computers is required, with the addition of either the modem's internal model (added to the empty slot) or external the transition process / data communications can be facilitated. Modem that is now following the specifications developed by the company Hayes, United States.

Modem consists of two models of the internal modem and external modem [Note the picture on the left]. Internal modem expansion cards usually implanted in an empty expansion slot on the motherboard the computer (See picture ..!.), while an external modem is a modem connected to a separate port that is usually in the back of the computer (See picture ..!.). In the notebook, usually in the form of an external modem PCMCIA (See picture ..!.). Advantages of internal modem is no need for additional places are embedded in the computer, but he also took the power from the computer because it is periperal additional (though small in number). Therefore, the electric power supply your computer must also be high. While external modems have the advantage of Guiding indicator of a particular LED is lit in accordance with the ongoing performance of the modem, it can not be found yangg the internal modem. For example, if the LED lights for SND lit, it means the modem is sending a signal, then when the RCV LED light is lit, it means the modem is receiving the signal, and so on.

Its speed is measured in kbps (kilobytes per seconds). The higher the kbps rate it, then the modem speed is also better. Modem has now reached 56 Kbps. In the real world, not always the speed that the claims on these products can function optimally, this example also depends on the quality of telephone lines used. By using a modem, the computer can access the Internet. In addition to type the phone cable modem (RJ-45), to the Internet we can also use a modem that uses fiber-optic cable and satellite media satellite disc antenna (ISDN). Both of them do have a faster access than cable modem-type device, but both require usage fees are still quite expensive. This modem type is usually only suitable to be used by large companies.

Scanner (Media catcher image)

Example forms Example forms Scanner Scanner works almost the same as a copy machine, it's just reading the results of indirect image is brought to the paper, but channeled into a signal to the computer, which can be displayed on the screen and can then be saved to the hard disk / diskette.

Basic elements in a computer system device should ideally include both technical and non-technical.

Technical devices include:

1. Hardware (hardware) in this case is all the computer equipment itself, as described above.
2. Software (software) is the hardware support equipment containing a computer application program.
For example: DOS, Windows, Lotus 1-2-3, MS-Word, dBase, etc..
3. Brainware, is a professional staff that handles all the operational implementation.
For example: Computer Operator, Programmer, System Analyst.

G3promo.gif Non-technical device includes good management support in using and developing the computerized system, and the availability of data distribution and processing results are good and right.

As mentioned above, the computer is just an electronic device that requires an operating system. We have had many different types of supply outside the operating system. Include DOS, Microsoft Windows, OS / 2, Linux, etc. Windows NT. Which will be discussed in the following material is DOS and Microsoft Windows.



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