Make Internet connection faster

Fast browsing Internet with high speed must be very exciting, in many ways done to speed up Internet connection using either the Internet connection software to be faster and use a particular setting that is claimed to speed up Internet connection.

Here are some tips that can be used to speed up Internet connection:

I. The bandwidth setting compose windows
Basically the windows OS has limited bandwidth for Internet connection as much as 20% of the total bandwidth that should be maximum, if you want to increase Internet bandwidth connections so that faster and faster can be a way to reduce or clear the bandwidth limitations in Windows so that we can be a maximum of using existing bandwidth.

Follow the instructions as below:

1. Click Start
2. Click Run
3. Type gpedit.msc
4. Then click Ok
5. Once entered click Administrative Templates
6. Then click Network
7. Once opened click QoS Packet scheduler
8. Then click on Limit Reservable Bandwidth
9. And after the open to Enable Setting
10. Then change bandwidth limit to 0
11. Click Apply, ok
12. Then exit and restart the computer

II. Use OpenDNS for control of the internet connection faster and more secure.

1. Click Start
2. Click Control Panel
3. Select Network & Internet Connection
4. Click Network Connection
5. Right-click Local Area Connection select Properties
6. Select Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) and Click Properties
7. Click the Use Following DNS Server
8. Fill with Preferred DNS Server numbers:
9. Fill in the Alternate DNS server with numbers:
10. Then click OK

III. If you use Firefox browser use Fasterfox add on, can be downloaded here.

Fasterfox is an add on that works to speed up connections by optimizing the network and browser cache. The function of the cache is to store data from websites that we visit, so when we opened the back of the website was loading process will be faster because the data has been stored in the cache.

Several optimizations can be done by Fasterfox is: HTTP pipelining, memory caching, disk caching, DNS caching, caching Fastback.

IV. For Firefox users, please install Adblock

Its function is to filter the ads that do not need when we browsing, so that the loading process will be faster and maximum.
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