Circulating E-mail Contains Trojan Fake Facebook

Facebook users please be careful with an email confirmation from Facebook. Because recently circulated an email containing a Trojan fake.

Some Facebook users receive an email containing a Trojan which can disrupt computer systems. Email sender using the name "" megirim an email confirmation of new password change. In these fake email senders to include two files with the name " and Facebook_Password_4cf91.exe".

As quoted KabarIT from Cnet, the file sender instructed to download and run on a computer. MX Labs said in a blog posting from Trojan Horse Bredolab execute files from the Internet, such as anti-spyware naughty. To bypass the firewall, Trojan horse code injects itself into svchost.exe and explorer.exe process.

Actually this is a model of the spread of the usual Trojan. But by using the Facebook name, people will just believe anything else for a less rigorous. This Trojan is only circulated in emails do not go into his own Facebook site.
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